Year 9 Options
Year 9 Options Information video
Each year students in Year 9 will go through our Guided Options Process. Every student will receive an options interview which will discuss potential choices but will also look at current progress data, attendance data, behaviour data so that students have all the information from which to make an informed choice.
On the day of their options interview all parents, carers and students are invited into Acklam Grange to attend an Options Open Evening. There are a series of pathway specific talks to attend as well as the opportunity to speak to teachers who deliver the courses.
All students in Year 10 and 11 will study
- Mathematics
- English Literature
- English Language
- Science
- History or Geography
All students will also take compulsory PE, RE and ICT. These subjects are not examined unless picked as a separate choice in their Year 9 Options.
Students in the Red (EBacc) Pathway will study a language and have two further choices to personalise their curriculum.
Students in the White, Blue and Green Pathways will receive three further choices.
Please watch our Guided Options Video above which explains a little more about the process.
Click on the links below to find out more about each of our pathways, the subjects we offer and important Options documents.