Modern Foreign Languages
“I love my French lessons because we learn something new every time and my parents are impressed I can speak French.”
Year 7 student
The MFL faculty at Acklam Grange aims to develop students’ language skills and confidence, giving them an understanding of other countries and culture and igniting their curiosity in the world beyond Middlesbrough.
We currently teach French to all students in Y7-9 and hope to increase our provision to offer Spanish soon.Provision can also be made for students wanting to sit exams in community languages, including but not limited to, Urdu, Arabic and Polish.
We are committed to sharing our passion for language learning and all that this entails, developing independent leaners and global citizens through engaging and challenging lessons and experiences, embracing the school’s PRIDE values in our curriculum:
Perseverance – be fearless, embrace challenge, do not give up
Don’t be afraid of failure, develop strategies to understand unfamiliar language
Challenge yourself – quizzing every lesson, independent learning through Seneca, Quizlet, Duolingo
Use feedback to improve performance
Respect – show tolerance to all through care, courtesy and consideration
Cultural awareness, an appreciation of the wider world
Enthusiasm for and appreciation of the relevance of language learning
Appropriate language and good manners in French
Respect yourself and others across the francophone world
Initiative – be independent, pace your own future, what are you waiting for?
Be an independent learner, using Seneca, Quizlet, Duolingo to improve your understanding of French
Get involved with faculty initiatives and events like French club, trips, open evening, language leaders, competitions, European Day of Languages
Direction – use your aspirations to inspire others and lead the way
Language leaders
Careers e.g. armed forces, engineering, sports as well as tourism and sales.
Expression – use your imagination to communicate clearly
Confident and competent communicators in French
Fluency in spoken and written French, developing oracy skills
Varying language to suit different situations