Acklam Grange

Acorn Centre

Acklam Grange School

School Day

Please see our timetable below.

Our site is open from 0800hrs and students (and staff) can enjoy a free breakfast in the dining hall until 0830hrs.

Students are to be on site for 0830hrs at the latest for the start of the day.

Tutor time incorporates our Let’s Get Going programme and morning registration. .

Let’s Get Going has a range of activities throughout the week supporting with Literacy and Numeracy. Tutors also do standards checks every morning to ensure students look smart and are well equipped for the day ahead.

We operate a two week timetable of five 60 minute periods per day.

Lunch is between 1215hrs and 1300hrs where students have access to a wide range of food in our dining hall.

The day finishes at 1500hrs. Years 7,9 and 11 exit through the from of the school. Years 8 and 10 exit between maths and science.

We have a substantial extra-curricular offer after school where students can join in a wide range of clubs and teams.

There are also plenty of opportunities for students to catch up on homework or to receive subject specific support after school including our comprehensive Period 6 offer for Year 11.

The total hours of learning per week is 33.5 hours per week.