The Duke of Edinburgh Award
We run 2 levels of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Bronze and Silver involving year 9 and year 10 students. Students can do a Bronze DofE programme once they’re 14 or in the school year in which their peer group turn 14 to start a Bronze DofE programme.
A Bronze DofE programme has 4 sections, Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. Participants must do a minimum of 3 months activity for each of the Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections, and plan, train for and complete a 2 day (1 night) expedition (plus maybe a practice expedition). Participants also have to spend an extra three months on one of the Volunteering, Physical or Skills sections. It’s their choice which one and, though they can change their mind later, they should decide which section they want to do for longer at the beginning. Knowing how long they’re going to do it for will help them to choose their activity and set goals for each section. It will usually take at least 6 months to complete the Bronze programme.
The next step up from Bronze… students need to be 15 or in the school year in which their peer group turn 15 to start doing the Silver DofE award – check with the DofE Leader. A Silver DofE award has 4 sections, Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. Participants need to do at least 6 months Volunteering and a minimum of 6 months on either Physical or Skills and 3 months on the other. It’s up to them which one they do for longer. If they did Bronze, they can choose the same activity for Silver, but they need to show development in it. It’s best to try something new! The Expedition section involves planning, training for and doing a 3 day (2 night) expedition (plus a practice expedition). If students start their Silver without doing Bronze first they’ll have to do an extra 6 months volunteering or doing whichever of the Physical or Skills sections they have spent more time on. Though they can change their mind later, they should decide which section they want to do for longer at the beginning. Knowing how long they’re going to do it for will help them to choose an activity and set their goals for each section. It will take at least 6 months for Silver if they’ve already achieved their Bronze, or 12 months if they’ve jumped straight into Silver.
Expeditions take place in the UK’s National Parks.