AGS Family Council
The aim of the AGS Family Council is to create a vehicle for parents, carers and other family members to become an important part of improvements at our school. Communication with our wider community is a key priority and we aim to ensure that parents and carers have the opportunity to take an active role in the success of their child and the school. Although progress is gradual, the council has already made a number of recommendations that have been taken forward by the school, so this really is an opportunity to not only be heard, but to be part of making the school we are already proud of, even better!
We currently meet 6 times across a school year, and meeting dates are flexible. Options are sent out via email at the start of each half term and a decision made based on when the majority of members are available. Having an email list means that council members can stay updated, even if they can’t make a particular meeting. So far, a Wednesday Evening 6pm-7pm has been most convenient for council members, but we are always open to change if this means we can invite new people to join.
Meetings are organised and chaired by our Associate SLT member, Mrs K Lowes, who is available to answer any immediate queries where possible, take notes and report your ideas to our Senior Leadership Team. The council is run by parents, for parents; one thing we can guarantee is a welcoming atmosphere where every opinion is valued.
For more information, or to join the mailing list – email