
GCSE Business (EdExcel)
In GCSE Business we aim to provide students with essential skills and knowledge to prepare them for the next step in their lives, whether that be further education, training or the workplace. For those that have selected to study an academic course, we want them to fully experience an insight into the breadth of knowledge, skills and capabilities a study of business provides.
As a result of this exposure, the students are to become informed, enquiring and discerning consumers, enabling them to understand their rights, make informed choices and avoid negative consequences. All students will eventually become employees; as they move into this phase of their life, their studies should have prepared for them the recruitment process, to understand their rights and the underlying reasons for business decisions. For those who wish to become entrepreneurs, a study of business should prepare them for the processes involved and allow them to develop a full understanding of the risks and rewards. As an employer, those who have studied business and enterprise will learn value management and leadership skills, as well as aspects of business such as how a business is organised.
All students, regardless of their future career will need an understanding of finance; through exposure to financial education, they should be able to make informed choices and understand the advantages and limitations of financial products, in order to better manage their finances over their lifetime.
Our curriculum naturally consists of engaging, knowledge-rich subject content which can bring the real-world to life for our students. The GCSE Business course involves teaching students topics relevant to the business world such as accounting and marketing. However, in the 21st century, it also involves training students in the softer skills such as leadership and teamwork, as well as a range of business and financial knowledge, skills and capability which can be used in the event of them choosing to run their own business, but also as an employee and a consumer.
Further to knowledge, the purpose of GCSE Business is to develop analytical and evaluation skills across a range of contexts, therefore enabling them to develop a range of skills that can be applied to other aspects of life.
The enthusiastic team of dedicated teaching staff delivering the course are driven to provide students with the transferable skills they will need to be successful in this ever-developing technological world we live in. The subject naturally lends itself to supporting students in their other studies around the school and into their futures, including many links to numeracy and literacy. Our curriculum has been developed to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate creativity alongside analytical and evaluative skills.
In conclusion, GCSE Business provides the required theory, explains it through practice and real-life case studies and helps to raise new generations of skilful, informed and responsible citizens prepared for life in modern Britain.