Acklam Grange

Acorn Centre

Acklam Grange School

Assessment and Reporting to Parents

Students’ progress and levels of effort and behaviour are tracked regularly throughout Years 7 to 11.

In KS3 students will receive a progress report termly. This will include information on attendance, punctuality, behaviour, effort and also progress in individual subjects.

In Years 7-9 academic progress will be reported using one of the following descriptions

A – Above expected progress being made

O – On target, student is making good progress

W – Working towards expected progress

B – Below expected progress

In Year 10-11 students will receive half termly progress reports. Students will have their behaviour and effort graded and their academic progress reported using two grades.

CP – current performance – an estimate of the grade your child is currently working at based on current attainment data.

PP – professional prediction – taking into account current performance and also behaviour and effort, what grade do we think a student is most likely to get.

Behaviour and effort are graded using the criteria in the link below:


There will be one consultation evening per year for Years 7-10. In Year 11 we operate two consultation evenings, usually one in the first half of the Autumn Term and then one in Spring.