Acklam Grange

Acorn Centre

Acklam Grange School


Safeguarding Statement

At Acklam Grange, the safety, health and well-being of every member of our community is our paramount concern.

We have a culture of vigilance, which is underpinned by clear procedures and robust staff training to ensure that safeguarding is a priority for all.

We aim to work in partnership with you to ensure your child achieves their full potential and makes a positive contribution. In doing so, we will promote and protect the safety and physical, emotional, social and mental health of all.

The procedures that we follow have been laid down by the South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership, and the school has adopted a Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all.


Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs L Gowland (Deputy Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Ms A Gika (Assistant Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss N Pearson (Assistant Headteacher – SENCO/ ARC Services)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs D Dixon (Assistant Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr M Kitching (Offsite Provision Lead)


The Core Safeguarding Team undertake the daily operational safeguarding work

Student Welfare Manager – Mrs C Martin

Student Welfare Officer – Mrs C Gallagher

Student Welfare Officer – Mrs K Garner

Members of the wider Safeguarding team include:

Mr M. Laidler (Headteacher)

Mrs S. Lymer (CEO)

Mr M. Hussain (Chair of Local Council)

Mr Z. Mehmood (Prevent & Community Cohesion)

Mr G. Whatmore (Health and Safety)

Mr M. Lodge (E-Safety)

Mrs G Laycock (Human Resources/Single Central Record)


Trust Board/Local Council links for Safeguarding:

Mrs L Longstaff
Mrs A Train


If you are worried about the safety of a student who attends Acklam Grange School, please make contact with a member of the safeguarding team via the school’s main number, 01642 277700, or alternatively contact 

If you cannot contact school and have an urgent concern please call 999 and Middlesbrough MACH (01642) 726004.