Acklam Grange

Acorn Centre

Acklam Grange School

Parents’ Consultation Events

Throughout your child’s time at Acklam Grange you will have a number of opportunities for face to face dialogue and feedback on their progress from individual teachers and tutors. This is done through our formal parents evenings, which are an opportunity for you to discuss the academic attainment of your child and how to support them with each of their subjects.

In addition to this, a progress report will be issued each term to keep you up to date with your child’s academic progress as well as their attendance and punctuality.

In Years 7 to 10 there is one parents evening each academic year with two in Year 11.

The Year 7 settling in evening gives you an additional opportunity to discuss any worries or concerns you have about your child starting secondary school in their first term.

In Year 9 there is an additional options evening for parents to come and listen to a formal presentation and to look round a market place themed evening on all the different option subjects available. There is also an opportunity to discuss strategies to help and support your child throughout key stage 4.

If at any point you want to discuss your child’s achievement, progress or life at Acklam Grange then an appointment can be made at anytime through your child’s Year Leader. Please do not hesitate to call, only together can we all ensure your child achieves their true potential.

Dates for your diary

Year 7 Consultation Evening  21st November 2024
Year 8 Consultation Evening  23rd January 2025
Year 9 Consultation Evening  30th January 2025
Year 10 Consultation Evening  13th March 2025
Year 11 Consultation Evening  27th March 2025