AGS Read to Succeed
At Acklam Grange we believe that reading for pleasure is directly linked to academic success. Reading for pleasure improves students’ reading skills and helps students to understand their school work and homework better and it gives them the confidence to take part more during lessons.
All students are encouraged to independently select a wide range of reading material. Students in years 7- 9 are expected to have a reading book with them as part of their daily equipment.
All students take part in a three-tiered awards programme designed to engage readers of all abilities. All students are provided with an awards passport and receive a Bronze, Silver and Gold award respectively as they achieve the reading goals set at each level.
Students will be able to choose from a selection of rewards as they complete each stage of their awards passport.
Take a look at our ’50 books to read before you leave school’ and ‘Book of the month’ for inspiration.