Curriculum Structure and Pathways
All students are allocated to one of four learning pathways following a varying route and permitting each student to access a broad and balanced curriculum with significant personalisation. For example, this may include length of courses and level of challenge.
A pathway review, every half term in Y7 and for Y8-9, during the second half of each term, uses a range of data on attainment, behaviour and effort to review the suitability of the pathway for each student.
In the Red pathway (EBacc), students will study English, Maths, Science, a Humanities (Geography/History) and a language along with further choices to personalise their studies in Y10/11.
The White pathway (Optional EBacc), students will study English, Maths, Science, a Humanities (Geography/History) and may study a language for Y9, along with further choices to personalise their studies in Y10/11.
In the Blue pathway, students will follow a similar route to the White pathway but in Y7/8 there is also significant support for basic literacy and numeracy skills.
In the Green pathway, students will follow a similar route to the Blue pathway but may have their timetable personalised so that extra support around literacy, numeracy and digital literacy can be targeted, where appropriate. Students in the green pathway will be in core maths, English and science lessons but will typically be in much smaller class sizes for other lessons.