Start Looking for Your Future Career
Starting thinking about your future career now. Follow the links below to find out information on different careers and opportunities and get support on CV creation.
Gives you the inside story of how careers work. There are over a thousand easy to search, varied and unique career videos as well as hundreds of written articles. From telecoms engineers to police officers, from landscape gardeners to web designers, from engine drivers to zookeepers; they talk about what they do, what it’s like, how they came to be where they are and their hopes for the future.
Gives information on different industries and the kind of work you can do and how you can enter this industry as a school leaver. You can also use the search tool to find vacancies and apprenticeships
Allows you to search and apply for apprenticeships in England
The National Careers Service can help you with your career, learning and training choices.
Provides information on thousands of opportunities available to school leavers. Use the search engine to filter on the type of training; the sector and the location
Careersmap provides live post-16 opportunities, such as apprenticeship vacancies, college courses, university and graduate options. Check out 1000’s of live opportunities and get career advice so you can make well-informed decisions to enhance your future!
Provides advice on how to produce your own CV.
Interested in Apprenticeships, Flying Start Degrees or Degree Apprenticeships?
Whether you want to become a Chartered Accountant, a specialist in Tax, a Technology expert or a Management Consultant, Professional Services firm PwC have got a programme that may suit you. They have a number of school and college leaver roles available. For more information and applications see:
Get into Springpod!
Springpod is a free careers network for youngpeople aged 13-18. It can help you explore your options in the worldof work and build connections. Springpod is currently promoting virtual work experienceopportunities with several major companies including BT and Airbus as well as theNHS. Find out more from