Acklam Grange

Acorn Centre

Acklam Grange School

AGS Alumni | Sean Featherstone

Name: Sean Featherstone
Left Acklam Grange: 1989
Current position: Head of Construction
Current Employer: px Group

What was your experience at Acklam Grange like?

Overall my experience at Acklam Grange was positive.

Do you have a fond memory that you would like to share?

I loved representing the school in swimming and completing prefect duties!

What person, class or experience most influenced you?

Art and history lessons influenced my career.

How did your education at AGS prepare you for your career?

It gave me self belief and determination.


What has your career path been like? How did you get to where you are?

Initially I completed a welding apprenticeship based locally at NETA and attending Longlands College. I gradually gained additional experience and qualifications and progressed through different supervisory and management roles which have allowed me to work with people from all over the world.

What skills have served you well in your career?

Communication skills are hugely important as is a healthy amount of curiosity and respect for others.

What advice would you give to current Acklam Grange students about their future?

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, be bold and brave and respectful of others. Never underestimate the importance of some good basic principles such as punctuality, hard work, politeness, curiosity and team work. If you get the opportunity to gain work experience take it, consider an apprenticeship as a career path, it provides an excellent pathway as a young person which often includes further education and excellent progression opportunities. Most of all don’t worry if you don’t have your whole career mapped out in front of you, I certainly didn’t!

If you’re a former student of Acklam Grange School and want to share your story, get in touch via the details below.

Miss S Winter
Careers Advisor
01642 277700