Acklam Grange

Acorn Centre

Acklam Grange School

AGS Alumni | Madiha Saghir

Name: Madiha Saghir
Left Acklam Grange: 2016
Current position: Science Teacher
Current Employer: Thornaby Academy

What was your experience at Acklam Grange like?

My Acklam Grange School experience was incredible. I made memories to last a lifetime. My personal and academic growth would not have been possible without every single staff member I encountered during my time at AGS.

Do you have a fond memory that you would like to share?

My most fond memory was throwing a wet sponge at teachers for charity! It’s a moment that has stayed with me because, apart from learning and education, the teachers always found a way to allow us to have fun outside of the curriculum.


What person, class or experience most influenced you?

My core subject teachers impacted my life in ways I am beyond grateful for. My Hassack supported me in maths lessons as well as providing extra help whenever I needed, Miss McFadden in English gave me educational advice as well as life advice and Mrs Cotterill always supported my in science. This support and level of care is the reason I am where I am today.

How did your education at AGS prepare you for your career?

Acklam Grange laid out the foundation for my career, without the support I was given, I’d never have reached the level of education I was able to. The teachers taught us more than basics, I was shown how to be confident, keep good time management and how to keep my standards high which is more valuable in the real world once you leave school.

What has your career path been like? How did you get to where you are?

After leaving school, I completed my A Levels and then a degree in Aerospace Engineering. I then did a PGCE in Chemistry and Physics to become a secondary school teacher and even got to do one of my placements at AGS which felt surreal.

What do you enjoy about your job?

My career is all about the children and that is what I love most. I take pride in being able to give them something invaluable like I was once given; knowledge and the chance to do something with that learning. Knowing they will be able to live a life they envision for themselves. I love that they can come to me for anything and know that someone has got their back.

What skills have served you well in your career?

Having confidence, being open minded and trustworthy are the main three skills I have kept with me. Being able to speak to any age group whether that’s students, staff, parents or carers is key in my career. As well as being a person open minded enough for the children to trust and feel comfortable to speak to.

What advice would you give to current Acklam Grange students about their future?

Wholeheartedly be yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it and know that even when you don’t expect it, life will work out in ways you didn’t think possible. Put trust in your own ability and maybe you’ll surprise yourself.

If you’re a former student of Acklam Grange School and want to share your story, get in touch via the details below.

Miss S Winter
Careers Advisor
01642 277700