Acklam Grange

Acorn Centre

Acklam Grange School

AGS Alumni | Jasie Whitehead

Name: Jasie Whitehead
Left Acklam Grange: 2020
Current position: Teaching and Learning Apprentice
Current Employer: Acklam Grange School

What was your experience at Acklam Grange like?

I loved my time at school. To me, school allowed me to explore every aspect of myself and find my true calling in life. My teachers really helped my aspirations become reality and I couldn’t be more grateful to have had such an amazing support system when it came to learning. They all really helped me have faith in myself and never failed to remind me of my progress.

Do you have a fond memory that you would like to share?

One of my fondest memories was most definitely getting to perform in the school shows. I’ve always loved musical theatre and dance so getting involved really helped me discover my passion, not to mention the friends I have made for life through the shows.

What person, class or experience most influenced you?

I would really like to thank Mrs Cole, Miss Nicholson and Mr Carroll for all their support throughout the years. I really struggled in Year 11 due to feeling the pressure of GCSEs and of course going through the year in COVID.

How did your education at AGS prepare you for your career?

AGS helped shape me into the person I am today and I will continue to thrive and become the person to offer the same support I had throughout my AGS journey. The continuous support and inspiration I had from every single teacher who taught me will never be forgotten and I hope I can offer the same to those I have the pleasure of meeting.

What has your career path been like? How did you get to where you are?

I studied A Levels when I left school and then progressed to university. I realised that what I was studying wasn’t for me and realised I wanted to get into teaching. I came across an apprenticeship at AGS and knew this would be the right fit for me. It has been amazing so far!

What do you enjoy about your job?

I really enjoy working closely with those that taught me and learning all of the tools and skills that will allow me to be a great teacher. Teaching has its challenges as with any job, but the children and their successes are all the more reason to love this job. They only shape me into being a better person.

What skills have served you well in your career?

I will always pride myself on my confidence and initiative. At times it’s hard and I may have set backs but it really about what works for you and what strategies you can use to main your focus and drive to continue to do well in everything you do.

What advice would you give to current Acklam Grange students about their future?

I would say to always remember where you come from. It’s okay to get a bit lost sometimes, I went to university and realised it wasn’t for me so I left to pursue something else that I really enjoy. It’s also okay to be at different stages than those around, set clear goals and work your absolute hardest to get where you want to be. Remember to believe in yourself and really understand that there will be hurdles along the way but it will only make you stronger once you overcome them.

If you’re a former student of Acklam Grange School and want to share your story, get in touch via the details below.

Miss S Winter
Careers Advisor
01642 277700