AGS Alumni | Aroosa Sajjad
Name: Aroosa Sajjad
Left Acklam Grange: 2012
Current position: Operations Manager
Current Employer: Amazon
What was your experience at Acklam Grange like?
My experience was xceptionally engaging.
What person, class or experience most influenced you?
Mr Hassack. He always used to say, “Take care of the little things and the big things will take of themselves.”
How did your education at AGS prepare you for your career?
It allowed me to understand where my interests lie.
What has your career path been like? How did you get to where you are?
I started off completing placements and internships, then worked for Cleveland Police in business change. I now wok for Amazon where I started as Area Manager and have been promoted to Operations Manager.

What do you enjoy about your job?
I enjoy leading teams and delivering results.
What skills have served you well in your career?
Communication and interpersonal skills.
What advice would you give to current Acklam Grange students about their future?
Spend time understanding where your interests lie and then pursie your goals and dreams in line with that.
If you’re a former student of Acklam Grange School and want to share your story, get in touch via the details below.
Miss S Winter
Careers Advisor
01642 277700